Every Scope Has These Elements (Chapter 3)
every scope has four functional parts
Vertical Circuits Handle the Input Signal
vertical circuit must be at least partially designed as an analog circuit
want to put wave form on screen with minimum distortion
must be able to limit the voltage of the input signal
attenuate or amplify to be within limits of following circuits
from simple block diagram
input signal can be switched between input amplifier follows with controls for followed by analog amplifier to processor
the screen overlay, customary calibration in centimeters
input voltage usually stated in volts per centimeter (V/cm)
horizontal time scale is usually described time units per centimeter
from dual channel analog block diagram
two switches and input amplifiers
channel selection switch between input amplifier and processor
channel selections
from dual channel digital block diagram
two switches and input amplifiers
output to A/D converters
channel selection is done in later processing
The Horizontal Section Sweeps the Trace Across the Screen
start time is t = 0
sweep rate - how fast the trace moves across the screen
lower sweep rates used for voltages that vary slowly
some scopes have additional mode
sweep circuit is disabled
one channel is connected to vertical axis
one channel is connected to horizontal axis
permits on-screen plot of one signal versus the other
The Sync Circuit Triggers the Sweep
trigger the sweep so each sweep starts as the input wave form
when trigger voltage is on ascending side of wave it is a trigger with positive scope
when trigger voltage is on descending side of wave it is a trigger with negative scope
Display Types
Some Scopes Can Store Your Waveform
each increment of the waveform is stored as a digital number
math functions are almost free
waveform storage is now the norm along with indirect features (calculations & numerical measurements
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